Sunday, 15 August 2010

Starter, or a main course

Why a pig, it's my blog ! This is one of Pierre Oteizas pigs from Aldudes in the Pyrenees.

Welcome to the first blog in what is sure to be an interminable collection of inane ramblings; some on wine, some on books (often about wine) and a variety of rants about things that get up my nose or eulogies on the sublime.

First I will recommend a couple of websites,, a great site for French wine fans, especially for the unashamedly for the lovers of burgundy. Both have tastings, profiles of winemakers and other useful information on some of the worlds great and lesser wines.

I am a francophile, love the place,the wine, the food even some of the music.Perhaps more of that some other time. I agree with those that believe that if you want to know about wine you should first look to France. If you don't agree just imagine me giving an imitation of a Gallic shrug.

My latest French wine discovery is Jurancon and Jurancon sec though many have got there before me. My better half and I enjoyed some tastings in the appellation  recently, to the uninitiated the area is to the south of the city of Pau in south west France. I will be posting a report on these in the very near future in addition to reports on tasting in the Madiran region, this time to the north of Pau.

Other wine reports will be on wines that I have purchased, out of my very own pocket, so if you want to read about Petrus look elsewhere. I will post a review of Y'Quem.which my wife bought me for my 50th. This stands in my hall of fame, a row of, sadly, empty bottles in our conservatory. If you are looking for interesting articles on new world wines you may also be disappointed, although I do have tasting notes on some South American wines.

Finally, one last recommendation, D.Byrne & Co wine merchants of Clitheroe have been beneficiaries of my debit card for some time now. A brilliant wine merchant who also provides me with Whisky, Cachaca and Asbach Uralt brandy. Nice people, great wine at very good prices.

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